Trader Lite Registration

Trader LITE Registration


Welcome to Trader LITE Registration. By the time you have completed this lesson, you will know more about the LITE program, what the requirements are to become a Trader, and how to register a Lite Trader. Let’s get Started!

Trader LITE

A Trader (sometimes called a member or student or enrollee) is someone who is paying to access the products and services of Day Trade University. There are different levels of membership (aka, Traders). Each level dictates the tools & resources you have access to, as well as the portion of profit you get to keep when trading company money. Generally speaking, LITE Traders do not get access to trade real money, and some of the more advanced features are disabled until they have been introduced educated properly. The LITE offering is a way for people to test out the software and learn more about trading without actually doing any trading or bearing any risk. 

Registration Requirements

In order to register someone as a LITE Trader, the following information is required.

First & Last Name

Email Address

Mobile Phone

Physical Address

Credit Card

Registration Methods

There are four ways in which a Trader can be registered as a Lite. Each approach is designed with a different type of use case in mind. Between these four approaches, you’ll find there is a lot of flexibility and options when it comes to integrating registration tools into your sales and marketing tools. Click on each of the tools below to explore how you can use them to register Lites.

Hosted Registration

A fully hosted “Lite Trial” signup page that can easily be embedded into your website.

Embeddable Form

A simple white-label form that can be used inside modal windows, widgets and sidebars. 

Payment Link

A link you can send filled in with the required information allowing them to simply input payment information.

External Forms/Services

Use your own form or redirect users from an external service to the payment page to complete registraiton.

Hosted Registration

The Hosted Registration page is a complete turn-key solution that you can embed directly into your website or other tools that explains the pricing and terms of the Trader Lite Program. 

This page will be updated automatically each time there is a price change or each time the Trader Donation partner changes. 

This page is white-labeled and only discusses the Trader Lite Trial. Any COD or Sales Team code can be passed into this page when setting up.

iFrame Embed Code

Below is a simple example of an iFrame tag that can be used to embed the hosted registration page on your site. Be sure to replace {COD_CODE} with your actual COD code.


Passing Custom Options

Wanting to customize the request? Wanting to do something a little different than the default? Check out the Request Parameters below to find out more.

Embeddable Form

If you don’t need the full Registration Page and just need a simple form to inject into a sidebar, widget or web app, then the Embeddable Form is the best approach. 

Using iFrame code, you can embed this form into small sections of websites or directly in Ads. Unlike the Hosted Registration, it will be up to you to update the content that displays outside the form. Replace {COD_CODE} with your actual COD Code in the URL below.

NOTE: This form will charge the current Trade Support Lite Trial Fee. Please ensure you are advertising the correct pricing as it cannot be overridden.


Passing Custom Options

Wanting to customize the form? Wanting to do something a little different than the default? Check out the Request Parameters below to find out more.

Payment Link

If you already have the Traders name, email, address & phone then you can send them a link they can click on to enter their payment details and complete registration. 

This is the quickest and easiest way for a Trader to register as they only have to type in their credit card details. 

Note: This form is white-labeled and does not display a total being charged, nor a company being charged to. The Terms & Conditions are the only place that will divulge this information.[OPTIONS]

In order to use the Payment Link you will need to ensure the required Request Parameters are present. 

External Forms / Services

Do you have your own form builder or service provider that already collects the nameemailphone, and address of the visitor? You can leverage that information and integrate the registration process directly into your service for form. 

Simply map the users inputs to the corresponding Request Parameters listed below and have your form or service redirect the browser to the URL below.[OPTIONS]

In order to use the External Form / Service Link you will need to ensure the required Request Parameters are present. 

Request URL’s

Below are the URL’s to use when embedding or making requests to the service for Trader Registration.

Hosted Registration{COD_CODE}

Embeddable Form{COD_CODE}

Payment Link / External Services[OPTIONS]

Request Parameters

request parameter is a series of key=value text strings added to the end of a URL These key/value pairs can be used to customize the form. By changing the values of various key’s you can configure the form in different ways and pre-fill information about the Trader.

Initialize a Request with Parameters

To initialize a request with parameters, simply add a question mark “?” to the end of the URL. The first ? that request encounters will trigger it to start looking for key/value pairs. 

URL Encoding

URL’s for websites only support the ASCII character-set. Since URL’s often contain characters outside this set, the URL has to be converted into a valid ASCII format. Encoded URL’s allow us to pass data through the URL Request that normally would be impossible to send. 

The “value” of your item must be URL encoded. You can use the following tool to encode your URL’s if you need to:

Adding Key’s & Value’s to a Request

Once a request has been initialized with a ? then simply add [(&)key=value]  where key is the parameter key below and value is a relevant value. Unless you are adding a key after the initialization question mark (?) then you’ll always add an ampersand (&) before each key to tell the request we are ending one val and starting a new key.

Parameter Keys & Values

  • b2 = COD / Sales Team Code
    • The COD Code
  • pl: Plan Code (optional)
    • trader-membership-trial (default) = 30-Day Non-Renewing Lite Trial for $10
    • subscribe-membership-1m – 30-Day Trial for $10, renewing at normal rates.
  • r2: Redirect URL
    • After payment is successful, the URL you would like the user directed to
  • em: Email
    • The Customer’s Email Address
  • ph: Phone
    • The Customer’s Phone Number
  • l1: Street Address
    • The Street Address portion of the Customer’s Address
  • cy: City
    • The City portion of the Customer’s Address
  • st: State
    • The State portion of the Customer’s Address
  • zp: Zip Code
    • The Zip code portion of the Customer’s Address
  • fn: First Name
    • The Customer’s First Name
  • ln: Last Name
    • The Customer’s Last Name
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